Live Photography Class

My new free Photo Facebook group: The Art of the Image

Monthly Class + Challenge + Critiquing

Our new Facebook group will be focused around three things:


A deep, deep dive into one photo subject that I am really passionate about and want to share.


I will then set a challenge for you to do based on this class. And the classes will all stack up together, so we’ll be covering a range of skills over the coming months.


At the end of the challenge I am going to pick my favourite images for an in-depth critique. This is all about learning to dissect your images, reflect and work out how to make them better.

Even if your photos aren’t picked this will be such a good experience because learning why a photo works or doesn’t work is JUST as important as learning how to take a photo.

These masterclasses will be so rich with knowledge that I will be taking them down after a few weeks to sell them as stand-alone courses. That’s how good they will be!

But when you join the group you’ll get access to them every month for FREE 🥳

(For this year at least, if you are in my Membership Program I will be dropping them into your library of courses.)

So if you want to do these monthly Free Classes + Challenges + Critiquing sessions with me, then sign up to my new Facebook group today!

Join here: The Art of the Image Facebook Group

Upcoming Masterclasses:
July 3: Master Techniques for Processing
Aug 7: How I Create My Images
Sep 4: Using the Power of your Imagination

Thanks again for being part of this community. We would love to bring even more awesome photo teaching to the world so we hope you join us in this next chapter!