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There are two reasons I love to teach photography.

One is that I believe the act of creating art, creating anything, is an essential part of our humanness. We love to make, we love to look at the world and respond with our experiences. And everyone deserves the time to explore our best natures.

The other reason is that I believe we are all artists. We all have something unique to say, to offer to the world. Our experiences, our stories are particular to us and so, too, is our creativity.

This class is focused on nurturing your creativity. The course is totally and entirely created to helping you develop your creativity as a photographer.

Times & Dates

February 17th, March 2nd, 16th & 30th 2024

8am Pacific / 11am Eastern / 4pm London / 5pm Madrid. Find the time local to you.


by Jane Roe
  • Four Live Sessions – 3 hours each
  • Every 2 weeks
  • Professional feedback on your photos
  • Small Group Of 6 people
  • Private Slack Group to Share Photos
  • Q&A For Each Session
  • A New Challenge Each Session
  • Sessions Will Be Recorded

Let’s take a look at 

The Capture & Critiquing workshop

The workshop will require you to shoot as much as you can manage every week. You will then bring your selections to each session for constructive feedback from myself and the group.

This will be super interactive – with part of the workshop aimed at learning to critique other people’s images – which is an amazing skill to develop, and will very much help you with your own photography.

For the challenges I set between sessions it doesn’t matter so much what you are shooting, even if you’re just on your way to work, at the grocery store, looking after kids, and it doesn’t matter when – it’s about developing how you see the world. And it most definitely does not matter what camera you use to take your photos!

This will help you develop your skills (which are just like muscles) so significantly that when you are standing before that amazing subject you can capture the shot quickly, confidently and with great ease.

Critiquing and feedback on your images is essential if you are to improve as a photographer – so I wanted to take that concept and make that the focus of this workshop. If you can’t get out and make photos you are welcome to dig into your archives and share images.

You’ll learn more about your photography style, how to personally develop your images in these four sessions that you’ve ever learned before – promise.

I will also be filling in gaps in your knowledge – based on what I see in your images. This is me reacting to you guys and helping you where I see you need it most.

Here is a list of what we will be covering:

  • You will receive a challenge after every session to test your ability to produce great work

    • You will have to make time to shoot images between the sessions – on your way to work, at the grocery store, looking after grand kids, doesn’t matter when, it’s about developing how you see the world.

  • We will spend our valuable time together breaking down and analysing your images

    • Image analysis:  You will be tasked with analysing images deeply, working with other people in the group and their photos.  You will learn to deconstruct a photo in-depth which in turn will make you a better artist.

  • I will teach you how to enhance your ability to choose which of your images is great

    • Editing your work down to the best is an often overlooked skill set. We will fix that together!

  • You will be asked to produce a portfolio of work shot during the workshop

    • It will be time to step-up and show your work to the group for review.  Don’t sweat it. It’s only five images.

  • I will also be filling in gaps in your knowledge – based on what I see in your images.
    This is me reacting to you guys and helping you where I see you need it most.

  • We will have a private online Slack group where we will upload and discuss your images throughout the workshop.

  • I will task you to have your camera with you at all times during the course

I will challenge you to push yourself out of your comfort zone, to go way beyond where you are now, so that when we finish you have a whole new body of work and an exciting new direction for your photography.

This will be unlike other online courses in that I won’t be just talking at you from a screen with no way to stop; you can ask questions in real time and get proper demonstrative answers.

All sessions will be recorded and sent to the group. They will be great to reference later, or catch up on anything you missed. Plus, even if you can’t make a session you can still submit questions so I can answer them in session.

This online workshop will totally transform both how you think about photography, and how you take photos.