Free online photo feedback session with me this Sunday

Good day to you all,

I hope life is good for you and you are doing some cool things with your photography. I’m doing well, enjoying this good summer in London and getting ready for a working trip to the south of France next week. Lots of fun.

A very quick and short one for you today. I’ve been really getting into all the online opportunities for teaching, it’s so cool! And I thought it would be awesome to host an online photo feedback webinar for you guys.

And it’s totally free!

Send me up to three images before the webinar and I’ll select one photo per participant to give feedback on, and people in the group can obviously chime in with their thoughts too. And if you want to just log on and listen without submitting your photos that also fine too.

It’ll last about an hour I think. It’ll be really fun, a nice casual session and you’ll get my tips and feedback on your images. It won’t be scary or harsh! Plus you’ll pick up a bunch of tips from my feedback from other people’s images too.

I’m going to do it this Sunday at 6pm GMT and I’d love you to join me.

To join me:

1) Register for the webinar – by emailing

2) Send me up to three photos – sized at 1200 pixels on longest length to me at before midnight Saturday (GMT) so I can look at them before the session and choose a varied selection.

3) Attend the webinar on Sunday! You just need the internet to log into the webinar via a special link you will be sent after you register, and you will need to download Zoom. It’s extremely simple so don’t worry- you’ll get it.

Drop Diana or I a line with any questions (

Have a great day and look forward to talking to some of you on Sunday!