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Hey folks,

For some time I have wanted to start teaching what is the biggest challenge people tell me they face in photography – printing their photos.

For most people they don’t even consider that they could do anything as ‘advanced’ or ‘technical’ as printing their photos.

It’s like just the idea of it makes people want to give up.

And I get it. Printing is the least discussed, least taught of all the photo skills.

It’s as though it’s like some old, forgotten dark art that only professionals can do, so best leave the photos where they are, all cosy and together on your SD card.

But this to me is an epic crying shame. 

My mission is to demystify the printing process. To show you that you – yes you – can produce beautiful, high quality prints.

The learning curve for printing is not the overly complex, impossible task you might imagine.

Learning to print is a skill that everyone can learn – I truly believe that.

And the payoff is immense.

The relationship you have with your images once you print them and have them in your hands is so different to how you see them on screen.

Light reflects differently on paper than on a screen, so your images don’t have the same look and feel.

I believe images are not meant to stay stuck on hard drives and USB sticks. They are meant to be out there, to live and breathe – to be shown to the world, in real life! 

Plus, there are also technical reasons why you should print your work (things like bit rot) which I go into a little in my Why you should print your photos post. 

I want to help you with printing

So today I have two excellent resources for you.

Venice at Dawn

Free Live Online Session – How to Print from Lightroom

I will take you through the process I use in Lightroom to get my photos print ready.

It’s a very fun part of photography for me, because I absolutely love to see my prints coming out of the printer, emerging in the world and escaping from the screen.

You’ll love this session if you are interested in printing but don’t know where to start, or you’ve tried it and are getting stuck, have questions or need help.

I’m going to show you how I go about preparing my images to print – so there will be both simple practical tips as well as ideas on pushing your creativity in printing.

There will also be lots of time to ask questions – this will be a totally interactive session. 

How to Print from Lightroom on Sunday 24th November 

Hosted on Facebook Live.


  • 8am Los Angeles
  • 11am New York
  • 4pm London
  • 5pm Madrid
  • 6pm Cairo

Find your local time: Time zone converter.

Register for this session and we’ll send you a – or if you can’t make it let us know and we’ll send you the video afterwards.

Visit our Facebook page 5 minutes before the session and you’ll see us there.

New Printing Workshops in 2020 – very limited spaces.

I have created a superb printing workshop that will give you all of the skills you need to start making prints with confidence.

You’ll get 4 full days of teaching – and we will learn by doing! You’ll make hundreds of prints and you’ll learn exactly what you need to take these skills home.

If you’ve already started printing, I will have plenty of advice and tips to improve your work. I am a Master Printer, and I will distil my technical and creative knowledge for you.

I also totally get that, for many, printing can seem like a daunting task. But with my years (and years!) of experience, I have boiled down some simple tips to give you that will help you liberate those images from your computer.

Yes, it’s pretty technical, but even if you don’t like the technical I promise I will inspire you to print – and if you love the technical side, I have much to teach you; you’ll love it!

All of the details of my new Printing Workshops are here – very limited space.

I love printing my work – and even still print some of my film. There is nothing like bringing an image to life, it’s like magic.

Any questions at all – hit reply and let us know.

I hope to see you at one or both of these events, so you can start bringing the wonders of your photography to life.

Have a fantastic day,

Anthony and Diana
