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How to become an Artistic & Creative Travel Photographer

Who’s excited to travel and to get some awesome travel photos as we venture out into the world?

I would love to invite you to a new live online class that I have made dedicated to the inspiring, life-enhancing world of travel photography.

This will not be a class like other travel photography!


November 13th 

9am LA, 12 NY, 5pm London, 6pm Madrid 

2.5 hour live lesson & Q&A 


This online workshop will totally transform both how you think about photography, and how you take photos.


This workshop will change how you see both your own photography and the whole travel experience itself.

I don’t travel as a tourist or even as a photographer. I travel as an artist.

I travel to expand my vision of the world.

To open myself up to new experiences that will blow my mind, inspire and delight me, give me new understanding and connections in this world of ours.

I love to travel and I love to shoot. These are my two biggest passions!

And so of course my travel photography lesson will be about helping you expand your vision of the world, learning how to see the world in a bigger, more expansive way – and then how to translate all that excites and delights you into really beautiful photos.

Photos that move you and move the people around you.

Photos that show how it felt to be standing there in that spot witnessing and being part of something so unique.

Photos that transport people to the smells, sounds, sites and feeling of your experience.

Let me take you on a journey to some of my favorite spots on earth through my photos, and give you my essential lessons to taking the kinds of photos that are breathtaking, full of experience and emotion and make people stop in their tracks and say – WOW!

Let have a look to How to become an Artistic & Creative Travel Photographer

Course content

  • The art of observation
  • The importance of being present
  • Photographing people
  • Mindset and traveling without expectations
  • Building relationships between elements to create impactful images
  • Pro tips on how to get amazing images with any camera

This course is for…

  • Anyone interested in developing their creativity with photography, regardless of their camera or experience level
  • Anyone looking to get to grips with the fundamentals of creative travel photography

Let’s get started!


What people have said about my online workshops:

“Anthony’s online class was exceptional in every way and ran so smoothly. The topics covered were pertinent and explained so comprehensively that I had many “ah, ah” moments wherein I finally grasped concepts which had eluded me previously. The assignments were challenging and fun at the same time, the critiques were off the chart “spot-on” and Anthony does not beat around the bush but gives you his honest opinion each and every time. I think everyone felt comfortable regardless of skill level, and it is obvious he really cares about his students’ growth. Don’t hesitate, take the class!”


“Anthony is a gifted, generous and kind teacher. He explains technical aspects of photography clearly, but I most appreciated his emphasis on the art of taking photos. The class far exceeded my expectations in many ways, one being that he was truly available to each student — answering every single question — far more than I’ve experienced with some other teachers. Anthony is passionate about sharing what he has learned over the years, and I highly recommend his classes.”


“I attended Anthony’s online workshop during May and June 2017. I immediately felt very comfortable with the small online group of like-minded persons and especially with Anthony’s very forthcoming and honest manner. Anthony gave us a lot of very interesting insights and even though I’m having a decent amount of experience in photography and post-processing I learned a lot in terms of light, composition and editing.

Although being a professional photographer for many many years, Anthony has still the fire and curiosity of somebody detecting the fascination of photography for the very first time. Anthony’s still strong enthusiasm and curiosity and his ability to transmit his enthusiasm to the workshop participants is what impressed me the most.
I highly recommend his classes.”

“I really recommend this course! The online sessions were great and Anthony’s enthusiasm is contagious! I would come away very inspired. The challenges were great for getting you out there and really thinking about what you’re taking. I wasn’t as technically able as others but this didn’t matter as the course is pitched at all levels- we all learnt something. Working in a group means you also learn from each other, and look forward to sharing your photos and seeing what others have taken. I didn’t want it to end, it was a bit of a game changer for me in my attitude to photography- it got me off my smartphone camera and out there using my digital SLR!”

“Easily a 5 star experience. Anthony is a dedicated and enthusiastic teacher. You can tell immediately that he really loves to share his work, his technique, the insights he’s gained over his career and his energy is quite contagious. The workshop is well organized and remarkably seamless as far as participation. The other participants also seemed enthused and shared the same commitment to respectful sharing. I would love to attend one of his live walkabouts but this is the next best thing. He really does answer all questions, he loves to teach. I learned a lot, changed a number of things and am pleased with the results. I wish I had met him earlier. My wife and I (she also sat in on all the sessions and made comments, asked questions etc) hope to hold on to this connection.”


“During Anthony’s on-line workshop I quickly realised that his enthusiasm and excitement were infectious and bursting out of the screen! His obvious professionalism, experience and the desire to pass on some of this to the people on the course were soon realised. The workshops were well planned and took us all along a steady, ever-steepening learning curve that challenged us and helped us all to step out of our comfort zone. It made me see and appreciate something that I used to take for granted and hardly ever noticed before – LIGHT! Thanks Anthony for all your help,support and critique that has spurred me on even better photos.”


I am so passionate about traveling and making beautiful photographs I even made some videos about it!

If you have any questions at all about this Travel Photography workshop please let me know by contacting me at