I'm on the BBC!

Anthony Epes

This morning my family and I woke up to the best email – the news report about my Cities at Dawn project was on the BBC. There were many screams of excitement and joy (you can see the BBC report here)

It’s exciting to all of us because for the past two and half years my journeys to capture Cities at Dawn has been a family project. I’ve taken my wife Diana and my two kids to stay in Paris and Venice (and soon New York) We’ve dropped into these cities for months at a time, immersing ourselves in each cities life and it’s been incredible. It’s a real honor to share these experiences with my kids – both the creative journey of the photography and the challenges of bringing these projects to life in the form of books and workshops.

The little BBC film shares my thoughts about why I love to photograph and dawn – plus some epic sunrises I experienced. I’m really proud!

Thanks everyone,

