My 5 Best London locations for amazing shots

I’ve been calling London my home now for near 15 years and in all this time I have spent ages and many many miles walking its street in search of great places to shoot.  In this time I’ve come to know a few places very well.  They are locations that I have been back to loads of time to get some shots.  What makes them so special is no matter how many times I visit I can always expect to get a different shot.  The list below are my top 5 spots that I’ve photographed time and time again.  If you get a chance to go to one of these locations please share the image with me.

1. Westminster Bridge

I’ve been coming to Westminster Bridge for over a decade now and it never fails to impress me with what you can achieve every time.  There are two or three shots in particular that I think are the best. The best one has been the cover of both editions of my London at Dawn books.  The other is a nice view with a slow shutter of a double decker going past Big Ben (I see it, but don’t have it yet!) with a 10 second exposure.  I’ll show you the 3rd when you come on my workshop 😉

And of course there is the House of Commons and Big Ben at dawn which is just eye-wateringly beautiful.




2. The Shard from Lower Thames Street

What I like about this image this that it can only be taken on a section of pavement  six feet wide.  Too much to the left or right will cut into the Shard. Lower Thames Street is a pretty high speed road – you’ll never see it when going by at 40 mph!    Even on a bike you might miss it.  Only by walking and paying attention will you be treated with this magnificent view.  When I show my students, jaws drop and turns are taken to get into the narrow spot.  Loads of fun!  It’s best taken before or near sunrise as the contrast is quiet strong otherwise.


3. View from Greenwich hill

Hands down one of the best views in London of London.  On a sunny afternoon you can sit and enjoy and watch the clouds go by for hours.


4. Hackney Canals

I like Hackney canals on a typical London gray morning.  It fits so well with the sombre subject matter and subdued colours.



5. St Pauls from Ludgate Hill

This is one of the first shots I ever took in London during my first week in August 2000.  I can’t tell the pleasure that was derived from walking around the corner to this view.  It was at this moment that I knew I had made the right decision in coming to London.

St Paul's cathedral from Ludgate Hill
St Paul’s cathedral from Ludgate Hill