Anthonys' Blog has moved

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Hi All!

I am in the process of migrating my blog onto, my photography workshop website.  Thought a little integration would make my life simpler.  WRONG! What a pain!…but it looks like it’s almost done.

What’s going to happen now is that you will receive an HTML newsletter by email, which actually is what you were getting before…(what’s different this time is..?) now that I think about it I’m not really sure how it will look different to you.  Oh yes!  There are new features that you will never use such as customising…stuff, like, you know – name, comments and other stuff.  this is the first email with this new system and I should probably keep it short.

So the most important and only thing you NEED to do is re-register on the new site with the email you received this at.  Simple. Really.  I would much rather be out taking cool shots for you to see and say “COOL!” So here are a few for you.

All the best and if you have any comments, feedback, curses – bring it!
