Sometimes it's just the light that matters…

There are many elements that are basic to a good photograph; composition, timing, colour, blah blah blah(googleit).  But mostly it’s about nice light – especially when its fleeting, a moment gone, never to return, never quite the same again.

I was shooting at Tower Hill yesterday at dawn, not a great morning, but lots of potential (wisewords: patience is a quality and attribute for all photographers). I stood there looking across the river at the Shard (hard to look at anything else really, it makes South London look like a toy landscape) rubbing sleep of my face when, bingo, the pre-dawn twilight illumed the southern sky with rainbow pinks and reds and blues (is pink in the rainbow, googleit!) that lasted two minutes then back to basic grey. Worth the wait.

Anyway, that’s not the photo I’m posting today.  Todays photo is of a book in my bedroom…, the light on the book reflected off a mirror from the light streaming through nebulous curtains from a setting sun…it only lasted twenty seconds.

I wonder how many of you would have seen it.