The Art of Seeing

22-POur lives are so full and busy that it’s rare to have the chance to stop and really see what’s there before our very eyes. The beauty, the peace, the inspiration. Of course it’s wonderful to go off on exotic adventures to far flung places, to remove yourself from the routine of life (we travel there, they travel to us, we look at other peoples stuff as they look at ours) But inspiration and freedom are actually right here in on our doorsteps – you just have to learn to see it.


One thing that photography has taught me, probably the greatest thing, is to stop and notice. In the midst of the chaos of my life – the freelance whirlwind of juggling clients and family and life – I am still reminded through my photographic training to pause. A few nights ago it was hanging out my window with my son watching the far away full moan glow yellow, this morning on the train watching intense deep green of the trees as they get gently soaked in a summer rain. Those are the moments when I feel completely alive.


It is this ‘art of seeing’ that I think makes such a profound impact on people who come on my photo workshops. Of course I teach the technical side – because without that you can’t capture the interesting moments of life. Technical knowledge gives you creative freedom. But learning to see, learning to notice what is right there, waiting to be noticed, waiting to be captured, is a training that transforms your photography and if you’re like me, your life too. Highgate Estate

I have only four more London at Dawn workshops left this year with only the last few places now available. I am also thrilled that we started to bring in some of my other favourite cities that I’ve been photographing over the past few years – Paris and Venice.  I hope you can join me for one of these photo adventures. I love to share my experiences with people as passionate about photography as I am.
