The gift of photography

My son has reached an age when he is both in thrall of consumerism and aware of its manipulation of his senses.

“I really do want lots of things, Baba.” (He calls me Baba because I’m half Greek and that’s how we say Dad. It also means Dad in Arabic, Hindi, Swahili and many other languages) “But I feel really guilty – I don’t need all this stuff do I? I think I might enjoy the Christmas atmosphere more than the presents.”

My heart sort of bursts at moments like this, when I see my kids making connections about things I think are important – on their own. I feel especially proud as I grew up in a family where more was more, and if I wasn’t able to be squashed to death by my presents at Christmas then my parents thought were doing the wrong thing.

I thought this was a nice way to start an email about during this present buying season because for me it connects with everything that I do – as a photographer taking photos and a teacher running my workshops. The workshops for me are something so much more than teaching people about cameras or great tips on composition.  It’s not about having the ultimate camera gear but being at the exact spot to see the sun rise over the Santa Maria in Venice (which is happening again next October, a totally awesome shot in the making, you’ve been alerted!)

“Whoever uses the spirit that is in him creatively is an artist. To make living itself an art, that is the goal.” Henry Miller

My workshops are about the power and beauty of creative experience.

Fog Over the Golden Horn - Istanbul

“It’s not about standing still and becoming safe. If anybody wants to keep creating they have to be about change.” Miles Davis

Many of you have joined me on a workshop in the past couple of years, and some have thought about it but not yet pressed the commit button. I thought this would be a wonderful opportunity to explore what is involved in taking my workshops and invite you to buy them now, especially seeing as my early bird prices on my 2016 workshops end this month and I will not be repeating them.

“The workshop not only gave me the opportunity to flex my under-exercised creativity muscle but, of equal value and pleasure, to witness the creative process of both Anthony and the other photographers in the group and to see the same subjects interpreted so diversely through other people’s eyes.”  Rachel

These are the kind of experiences you’ll have when hanging out with me at 4am in Paris, meeting a bunch of friendly artists who had been wandering the streets in search of sunrise and wanted to philosophise with us.   A creative adventure which will echo through your life and inspire you way after you have finished!

My workshops will pull you out of your comfort zone (hanging out with strangers, working on seeing something in a scene that no one else can, shooting on manual), and will help you push your creativity even further . They will transform how you take photos and how you see the world around you. The inspiration from it will ripple through your lives.

“My future starts when I wake up every morning. Every day I find something creative to do with my life.” Miles Davis

I love working with everyone who comes on my workshops. I love the connection we develop as a group. The groups are small, the people are passionate and the places we go are filled with adventure.


I love how we can wander and follow our inspiration we can follow a beautiful shaft of light in a situation where we are without our spouses or friends who would get annoyed at talking ‘to the air’.

I am really honoured that so many people have chosen my workshops. That is why I work extremely hard to make each workshop amazing, and I never stop working on improving them.

“If you enjoy photography you MUST join this workshop. Whether you know London well already or you are a visitor, Anthony will help you see things you haven’t seen before. He makes it fun and informative, and is always on hand to give help and advice.” Debbie


It’s an amazing feeling uploading your photos at the end of each day, wondering what you have got and if you have captured that absolutely incredible shot that you can’t wait to show the world.

“I can’t recommend Anthony and his dawn city walks enough. I came away with some amazing pictures, a greater confidence in using my camera in its more creative functions and a better understanding on “seeing” what’s around me.”Johnny

I’d like to invite you to join me on one of my 2016 workshops. I can say without doubt that my workshops are incredibly special (please see myTripAdvisor page or the feedback on my site to know that other people think so too!)

This is a great time to book as my early-bird booking prices are valid only until the end of this month. They also make awesome gifts.


These are experiences that you will never forget.

You can see the full list of workshops here. Below I’ve got some more details about the workshops to help you pick the one that is best for you.

I hope you can join me for some awesome fun next year: Exploring, creating, wandering, enjoying and experiencing some of the most exciting cities in the world.

As always – drop me a line or give me a call if you have any questions at all. Both Diana and I are here if you want to know anything – big or small. And please share this if you know anyone who would love my workshops. I would super appreciate it.

You want a wild and exciting adventure


Istanbul! Wow what a city. It has everything – epic history, super friendly people, incredible food, surrounded by beautiful seas – for me, and the many people who have joined me here, it is, literally, paradise to photograph. We’ll photograph both the iconic and go off the beaten track. You will be captivated – guaranteed. And you’ll create an amazing selection of images of your own.  Book here.

“Anthony takes you to hidden gems normal ‘tourists’ will never go and will explain how you can shoot them the best way, so you’ll end up with an SD card full of amazing shots. It’s way beyond taking holiday shots, but his teaching is easy to understand, laid back and humorous.” Harmen

You are ready to be blown away by beauty and history


And if you want to immerse yourself in beautiful light – then it’s Venice! Wandering through this ancient city, enveloped in peace, photographing the beautiful light, subtle colours, fading beauty of the city. It’s a stunning city. Simply stunning. And you’ll create an amazing selection of images of your own.Book here.

“I cannot recommend enough! I went on the Venice trip as a novice and came home with photos that were beyond my expectations, a feeling that I had gained a wealth of knowledge and more importantly totally inspired.” Simon

You want to see beauty and serenity in the worlds most exciting city


London! My adopted home town. I’ve lived and photographed this city for fifteen years and it never fails to make me love it. From the ancient backstreets of the East End to the buzzing early morning markets – and of course sunrise over the Thames which makes my spine tingle with its sense of majesty and history. Dr Johnson was right – no-one who loves life can ever get tired of London. A great portfolio of images awaits you. Book here.

“What impressed me most about Anthony’s work was that while it is in a way easy to take a fantastic photo when you have a great scene before you, Anthony manages to make amazing photos out of the most ordinary places around London, and when I compared his offering to the other Photography Workshops that are advertised, his photos are clearly a step above the competition. “ Tom

You want to have ongoing motivation to keep you creating


My Light Monkeys Photo Collective is unique. It’s a year long membership program of walks, talks and get togethers to experience and learn more about our passion – photography. I’ve got a couple of spots left for the 2016 membership. The group is an amazing force of motivation and inspiration. Book here.

“It was very easy to bond with a group who shared the common interest of photography and I found my fellow photographers generous both with their tips and knowledge.” Rachel

You want to take your photos from boring to **wow** in just two days

The Butcher, from Paris at Dawn by Anthony Epes

I’ll be doing Creative Composition Masterclass in January at my studio. For two days we will get down deep into the depths of creating stunning and unique compositions. This isn’t a technical class, instead focused on learning both the rules of composition and how to break them. We’ll be doing both in-studio learning and taking to the streets to practise what we’ve learnt. You’ll have able opportunity to show some of your work for peer-review feedback and walk away with a host of new skills for composing stunning images. Book here.

You’re stuck on processing and editing your work

From Paris at Dawn, by Anthony Epes

Lightroom is my number one choice for processing and editing these days. Yes I use Photoshop occasionally, but Lightroom has amazing capacity for you to edit, organise and share your work. I’ve got a beginners and intermediate day workshops organised in Feb. I’ll share all of my tips so you’ll upskill super quickly. Highly recommend if you need help processing your work and want pro-tips. See here.

You need feedback on your work or more personalised teaching


Perhaps you’re stuck in a rut and don’t know where to take your photography. Perhaps you are shooting constantly but aren’t getting the amazing images you hoped for. Perhaps you find it more of a stop, start, stop experience with motivation and inspiration – and you are frustrated.

Every month I work with a couple of amateur photographers – either in person or via Skype – providing personal tuition, guidance and feedback on their work.

You can book me for a one-to-one private workshop (for one or two days) and for shorter skype sessions here.

I know some of you have been on all of my workshops now and so perhaps you are thinking there is nothing here for you. Well, I am currently working on picking another city to run a workshop. If you have any suggestions – I would love to hear them, comment below!

Have an awesome week and keep photographing!

Anthony and Diana

“Anthony is a great instructor, who puts you at ease, offers good, understandable advice and is good company. I had done a photography course before, yet in the space of a couple of hours he made me understand some basics which I had missed in a very logical way.” Tripadvisor review