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Thank you for signing up for my free ebook on how to become a more creative photographer, download it now:

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It’s not very long, but it’ll take a while to read, mull over and put into practise. And someone said of the ebook:

“This is a great document Diane and Anthony; a compelling read and really inspiring. I think Plato said Awe is the start of philosophy. So you have followed in the footsteps of the greats and applied it to photography. I’m really fired up!” Simon

I strongly encourage you to take 30 minutes out of your day today to read it, even if it’s on the train or during your lunch break or in the park in the sunshine on your phone.

It will create fire within you and you will want to race outside with your camera on finishing this, I promise.

I would LOVE to know what you think. Diana and I have poured huge amounts of passion, writing, ideas and discussion into this – because we want help as many people as we can propel themselves ever forward on this beautiful creative journey that we are all on.

I would love to hear what was the one idea that struck you the most inspiring. Please leave a comment here.

You can also dive into to some of our recent articles:

Technique & Composition:

Creative Wisdom:

Lessons from the Masters:


My photo essays & galleries:

Photo challenges:

Always feel free to shout if there is anything I can help with.
All the best,
Anthony and my business partner/writer-extraordinare and wife, Diana